
Monday May 02, 2016
13. The Storyteller
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
One episode. Two stories. That. Don't. Interact. At. All. Nobody likes Julian, even O'brien, but things get set up for later. They yell at a smoke monster. Missourians know river politics. Wade is maybe puerile in what he notices in the set dressing. Jake and Nog hit on a girl. James talks libertarians. Hugh introduces a new segment, where we perhaps insult any listeners who are responsible for the IMDB episode ratings. Hope you're not offended. We love you... Speaking of... Rate us!

Monday Apr 25, 2016
12. Battle Lines
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Jonathan Banks! Plays a pissed off alien. Which he can pull off pretty well as you might imagine. Kai Alpaca, the Space Pope from the premiere comes back and sets things into motion... But mostly we're excited to see Jonathan Banks. That's Mike from Breaking Bad if you don't know who that is. Why don't you know who Jonathan Banks is?

Monday Apr 18, 2016
11. Vortex
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016
This week a couple of Gene Simmons steal a faberge egg, are double crossed by a space junkie, who turns out to actually be a space Mormon -who wears Odo's cousin around his neck- and everyone takes a trip to the least turbulent "vortex" in the galaxy. Does that make sense? No? Listen and figure out just what the heck I'm going on about. Plus: "Candy Man Caveman" and Wade's self loathing.

Monday Apr 11, 2016
10. The Nagus
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Uh oh. Hope you like the Ferengi. Our dang podcast title and artwork feature them so we can't throw stones. Wallace Shawn guest stars as a wrinkly talking "coin purse." Ferengi Juggalos!? Wade gets off topic and weird about Andrea Martin. Manservant Punk Rock Ronald Reagan. Education and racism are discussed, among other things.

Monday Apr 04, 2016
9. Move Along Home
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Are these aliens really into Yes? James wants to punch this episode in the face. Quality of the DS9 episode is directly proportional to how much fun we've had talking about it. We end with artsy nerd Sh#! Not to be confused with regular nerd sh#! but hey you're the one listening to a DS9 podcast so I hope you'll give us a pass.

Monday Mar 28, 2016
8. The Passenger
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Julian gets possessed by the ghost of Hannibal Lector doing a bad Bela Lugosi impersonation. Maybe? There's gotta be a reason for what happened in the episode we talk about. Just how are we supposed to feel about that character, anyway? And we introduce "Angry Nerd Corner" (Wait, that's this whole show, right?) Go check out Hello Cruel World by the Tall Dwarfs... for no reason.

Monday Mar 21, 2016
7. Dax
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
How do you fix a character like Maria?? Well, you make her a good character but don't make her try to impress anybody. But OH WAIT. We're talking Dax here. Not West Side Story. This is actually a good episode. LISTEN! (Was somebody drunk when they posted this description?)

Monday Mar 14, 2016
6. Q - Less
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Monday Mar 14, 2016
It's a Q episode! Everyone's favorite (or least favorite) Trickster Space God boards the station with Picard's ex girlfriend to help remind you this is a spin off of that Star Trek show you really liked. Remember? Nudge nudge. Wink. Come for the TNG characters, stay to hear us talk about Ferengi sex practices, and vent our transporter frustrations. [Editors note: Oh, and yes we were wrong about the 3 life forms issue. It was the egg. We got it.]

Monday Mar 07, 2016
5. Captive Pursuit
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016
We quickly veer from the question of whether DS9 would be improved by some NYPD Blue style man-butt to consider "The Most Dangerous Game." After discussing Quarks employment contracts, however, we move on to the main storyline, a bro-mance between Obrien and a pudgy lizard-man.

Monday Feb 29, 2016
4. Babel
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
The crew of DS9 gets infected with an aphasia virus, and we can't quite find the words... TV Pre and Post the time of Difficult Men. Sex positive Dax is back, and Odo is embarrassed, but we don't buy it. How do you fix episode? James has some good ideas.

Monday Feb 22, 2016
3. Past Prologue
Monday Feb 22, 2016
Monday Feb 22, 2016
We all agree that Garak is one of our favorite characters as soon as he's introduced, hitting on Bashir(who we're less fond of at this point in the series). We also ask why Sisko isn't a captain yet (racism?), and theorize on the properties of gold pressed latinum.

Monday Feb 15, 2016
Appendix A: Chaos On The Bridge
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Bonus episode! But where's the DS9?! We take a detour to talk about a William Shatner directed documentary, the creative minds behind Star Trek, and argue whether adherence to the "grand vision" makes for awful television. Then we talk about awful tv in this current age of auteur showrunners (Looking at you True Detective, season 2). Overstock.com? If you're listening, we're available!

Monday Feb 15, 2016
2. A Man Alone
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Episode 2! We talk about stupid A plots, B plots, C... but mainly we talk about sex, sometimes crudely. Western motifs. Special men. Casual misogyny(?!). We cover it all! Also, we let slip a minor Dax spoiler at 21:35, but seriously, it's been 20 years now.

Monday Feb 08, 2016
1. Emissary
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Welcome to The Rules of Acquisition! A podcast where we’ll be reviewing every. single. episode. of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Heres... THE BEGININAGING
Who are we? What are our histories with DS9? And most importantly-Why are we doing this?
All these questions and more will be answered.
Plus: Linear time, and don't trust Picard with your loved ones.
[*NOTE: The sound may be a bit different in this first one where we were new and naive to the ways of podcasting. It's possible we'll find time to get a remastered version up before a DS9 blu ray comes out... Until then, hey the content is still great! There have been mics that come and go and we sound a bit different as time goes on. Go figure.]