
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
An Insight into Sausage Making
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Did your podcast feed freak out? Here's a quick note and a call with some potential Becker spoilers...

Monday Jul 17, 2017
The Way of the Warrior (DS9 S4E1&2)
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Season 4 starts off right.
Is the show about to get Urkel-ed? [nope]
When a bunch of Klingons show up on DS9, shenanigans are afoot. On screen and off. What's going on with Cardassia and all the characters in this "soft reboot" of the series.
James Doohan is still awesome.
What 4 rules does Sisko break or bend for the Federation?
Is Picard the worst captain?
The Root Beer Scene. It has a backstory! It almost didn’t happen.
What was going on when this was made, and why does it feel so timely right now?
We are all Worf
Voicemails, or Whatever We Call This Segment (1:15:00)
A new caller asks about … The Orville
Plutoburns has some preemptive thoughts on this episode

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Tetryon Interference Between DS9 Seasons 3 & 4
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Greetings from Season 4! There's a lot of Tetryon emmisions in subspace causing temporal disruptions. Technobabble technobabble. Here's some of your voicemails about Season 3, yet we're recording from a later point in the timeline in which we've watched a few episodes of Season 4. But don't worry, we've gone out our way to follow the temporal prime directive and avoid major spoilers. We receive a PlutoBurns transmission from way back containing his thoughts on “Explorers.” Voyager and Enterprise captains are discussed, along with womens’ hairstyles. Warren Cantrell (@10rant) defends Bashir. Another Austrailian listener, Carla, has some more Bashir thoughts, plus we talk some Enterprise. Adam P Newton gives us his White Album and Wade reveals the history of his pronunciation of “@DryveTyme” Get excited for Season 4 and give us a call! 917 408 3898

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Revolution DS9: Season 3 White Album
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Happiness is a Warm Phaser. It's that time when we cut out all the filler, and devise our perfect contemporary season of Deep Space Nine from the extended "double album" of classic American Television. No voicemails this week, we're on vacation!

Monday Jun 26, 2017
70. The Adversary
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
CAPTAIN SISKO! Deep Space Nine has a captain, FINALLY! Celebrate with us the greatest captain in Star Trek. Oh, plus: Fun with changelings; Book corner history with Larry Nevin; and commander Red Herring, the worst reality show contestant ever, Michael Eddington shows up again(he’s here to make friends). Hunt for Red October and The Thing are both referenced. Things are happening in the alpha and gamma quadrants, and… Things will never be the same [ominous music]. It's the end of the season and things are looking up! In the Great Link (44:20) we commune with Greg, and talk some facets of Dax and a little Bashir. Dryvetyme reminds us why Sisko is the best dad in Starfleet.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Escape Pod: Babylon 5 and Other Not-DS9
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Before Peak TV there was... Come to hear your opinions on B5, stay for James' opinion on Suicide Squad. Twin Peaks and Farscape are also discussed. Instead of a deep dive into Deep Space Nine, we dip into the shallow end and ask ourselves: Babylon 5... Should we watch this? All the content from this episode was generated by... you! Give us a call and maybe we'll feature you in a later episode 917 408 3898 Oh. Glynn Nimron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtOiKbxzY9w

Monday Jun 19, 2017
69. Facets
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Everybody Dax! Jadzia undergoes a Trill ritual and all her friends on Deep Space Nine get to try out their best funny voices. Even Leeta, who of course has been a close friend for a long time, is a top choice to take on the memories of past slug hosts. OH, and Curzon Odo is a Humbert Humbert. We're still very confused by Trill logistics. It's like they're just made up as needed or something. But hey, that Nog B plot is pretty great! At around 42:20, we dive into the Great Link and commune with a few of you. Kristin notices an item from Explorers that doesn't really make sense in space. Jeffrey also has a thought and a criticism for Explorers. and Franklyn "goes deep" to chastise James on some Family Business. Give us a call at 917 408 3898 and be featured on the show. We couldn't do it without you!

Monday Jun 12, 2017
68. Shakaar
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Shaka shaka. Back to Bajor business. Kai Ratched wants grains and Kira's friends just want to farm. With some soil reclamators. But one thing leads to another and suddenly she's off DS9 and fighting an actor from The Wire in the hollywood hills... We get political with Kai Winn/Trump. In the B plot... Stuff happens to O'Brien. Not a lot of stakes... local colour? Hugh can fix it! But hey, we actually liked this Star Trek episode! And somehow for all the joy we get out of saying "Shakaar" we never make a "When the walls fell" reference. And we're sorry. 43:37 Throw Us Your Goo? A call from Tom has us talking diversity and representation. A call from Eric has us still trying to figure out Ferengi. Let us know what you think! 917 408 3898

Monday Jun 05, 2017
67. Family Business
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Long Day's Journey Into Quark. For a fun Ferengi episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine we talk an awful lot about idiosyncracies within American capitalism. We finally meet Wade's crush Andrea Martin, and it's totally not a physical thing. Not with that prosthetic makeup. Quark's mom Ishka is up to some funny business- and we're NOT talking about walking around naked in front of her sons... James is skeeved and doesn’t agree with off notes in Ferengi culture; Wade thinks the “off notes” are what make Ferengi good aliens instead of just bad allegory; and Hugh thinks the “off notes” are just dumb comedy played for yuk yuks. Sisko goes on what threatens to be a mediocre tinder coffee date, and James has … divisive opinions on Kasidy Yates. Not the actor, but the character’s place in the story. Plus in voicemails: "They Shoot Bashirs, Don't They?" Plutoburns gets us going on a familiar topic again, plus other nostalgia from our youth.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Postcards From The Goo
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Sexy times, with Deep Space Nine. Wade stirs the pot and realizes another podcast has a priority segment. What do we call your calls? Come join your thoughts with us in the goo-bath. James, “a pretty dirty guy,” does not want to join the Great Link. We hear from Kristin on sexuality in Star Trek (more Gashir) and a question about if DS9 and others were made today. Voyager got us emotional? Stefan questions our take on the Garak/Bashir relationship DS9: The Gayest Star Trek http://the-toast.net/2014/03/28/deep-space-nine-gayest-star-trek/ Fake Dick Francis Novels - A throwaway joke breaks Hugh. And finally another Stefan call gets us talking about syndication. Have thoughts? Give us a call! Even if you don't hear from us immediately, don't lose hope; we could be holding you for a specific episode. 917 408 3898

Monday May 29, 2017
66. Explorers
Monday May 29, 2017
Monday May 29, 2017
Space sailing! Kon-Tiki! A goofy adventure episode plants a lot of seeds for the series. Isn’t this just a fun one-off episode? Things get contentious! We start getting into Avery Brooks “subtle” acting. 18:00 The B story is our Rashoman. Buckle up! Things get Heated with Hugh over his disdain for the Deep Space Nine doctor. We like Leeta… Bashir… we’re less agreed on. Deep Space Nine’s first sight gag! Hugh and Wade disagree. Is it a John Hughes film? 39:30 We finally get off Bashir and start in on the A plot Steam Punk Spaceships! Sailing? Wade is reminded how white he is. The first bathroom in Star Trek. STOP! Hammock time. Cardassian Fireworks and… Star Wars? George Lucas stops by. IMDB reviewers? We’re calling you out! Voicemails… We go long and only got time for Twiggy this week.

Saturday May 27, 2017
Star Trek: Discovery - Trailer Talk
Saturday May 27, 2017
Saturday May 27, 2017
What do you think? Ours views vary! We can't not share our opinions on the recent release of the first trailer for Star Trek Discovery, supposedly releasing this fall from CBS All Access. And no, the casting is NOT a thing we have a problem with, creeps. Lots of talk on fan service vs. trying new things. What's up with the Klingon design? James wants his references to work like a good peep show: Don't gratuitously show us everything! Tease us with it. Tom from Cleveland asks, "Why not a post Nemesis timeline?" and we give our best answers. What is the fate of the Kelvin Universe? Can we still have hope for an optimistic future for Star Trek? [yes] Expect more Discovery discussion from us going forward! 917 408 3898

Monday May 22, 2017
65. The Die Is Cast
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
A two part Garak story concludes! Odo has a very hard time of it, and our love of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine blooms anew. The Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar execute on their plan to raid the gamma quadrant, but things get fubared. Tane recognized Game. 49:59, when the calls come in! Tom from Cleveland calls and we talk Dragons, Tumblr and whether Cardassians have tails? Stefan has some suggestions. And, as a proclaimed mailman, is he willing to make a trade for some ASMR? What happens when we get a critical review? Is this podcast our safespace? 917 408 3898

Saturday May 20, 2017
Interlude - Voicemails You Haven't Heard
Saturday May 20, 2017
Saturday May 20, 2017
There's just too much to say! We can't shut up. After an unnecessary intro we catch up with and delve into some voicemails from some favorite listeners. After a message from Kate we talk about what makes the Bajorans interesting and some of our favorite alien races. And then we talk some Changeling romance. Then Hugh brings up a favorite DS9 bugaboo... Babylon 5. Comic book talk, from Spider-man to Rob Liefeld, and DragonBallZ Austin from Chicago from Brooklyn assures us we have DS9 to look forward to and we talk some more spinoff episode ideas. Give us a call yourself! 917 408 3898

Monday May 15, 2017
64. Improbable Cause
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Garak's shop blows up! But first off, let’s talk about Bashir and Garak before we get to the Odo and tailor team up - a Two Parter! A catfish assassin. 28 min. Puppy break! Deep Neck and Odo meet in a cave. How can they make star trek visually interesting? Unefra. Ask your doctor about it. James taunts plankton rules (49:20) More Priority Transmissions! Has Distant Voices replaced Past Tense as the current episode of discussion? Greg from NC discusses doctors. We ship Crusher/Sisko! Tom from Cleveland, pens us as in “The Goldilocks Zone” of Star Trek podcasts. We also talk Villains. PLUGS

Monday May 08, 2017
63. Through The Looking Glass
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
More Mirror Universe! Smiley steals Sisko and we learn just how bad a dude the commander is when he has to save his dead wife's double's life. We do find some ickiness in the Mirror U, yet we really like this episode! Even James and Hugh Is Morn the Michael Vick of Deep Space Nine? (How DARE we) Acting vs writing. Colm Meaney’s acting is great and we have lots to unpack with Sisko in this one! Deep Space Nine: Just like The Master. -Wait what? James reverts to his old ways vis a vis the showrunner. Wade is uncomfortable. Should the ending be more heartbreaking? An accidentally emotionally interesting episode? The Funk of the Old Way. Oh and Tuvok! But what does Plankton Rules think about the “hornier and deadlier” Kira? Their gender: likely confirmed! What do we have to look forward to? Good Stuff! Soon: A goatee! 53:35- Priority transmissions! Eric blames Ronald D Moore for prophecies in scifi. Religion talk! But in fiction, not real life so you don't have to get uncomfortable. Caprica: Just like Joey. We hear some listeners thoughts on Distant Voices. Franklyn talks more acting and we get into writing vs acting and which is more important. (hint: writing) Comments? Disagree? 917 408 3898

Monday May 01, 2017
62. Distant Voices
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Bashir's Brain. Deep Space Nine is turned "Inside Out" when a Lethian puts a whammy on everyone's favorite doctor. Ok, maybe not EVERYONE's favorite. Is this a good episode with some welcome character work for Alexander Siddig, or a tedious example of everything a person might not want from his ensemble based scifi drama? We've got both points of view covered! Later we get some Priority Nocturnal Transmissions from Richard Coombs (40:20). @10Rant posits: Just what is going on with Odo at this point in the season? @Jeffrey_Miller1 has some thoughts on character blandness and pairings. Plus, some of that classic podcast pandering you hear at the end of most of your podcasts! Give us a call! 917 408 3898

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
What We Talk About When We Talk About DS9
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Why do we do this? A perfect time to jump in with no real spoilers! It's another listener response episode! What do we mean when we talk about the "Golden Age of TV"? Stefan has questions and we have answers! Robert sends an email that puts us into Bookclub Mode! Robot-James and some random filler! And another Stefan message provides more Past Tense discussion. Are we critical just to be contrarian? James says, "No." Give us a call or message if there's anything YOU want to discuss with us! 917 408 3898

Monday Apr 24, 2017
61. Visionary
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Miles hates temporal mechanics. Obrien is stuck traveling through time, and must suffer! A begining rumination on technobabble backdoors us into a “Vulnerable Nerd Corner” Sympathy for the Romulan Time travel and the nature of Personhood Philosopher Derek Parfit, the teleporter and identity Are the characters too “chummy”? We argue Star Trek’s “Vision” once again. And we cover some Nocturnal Transmissions on Destiny, the Sisko, and acting!

Monday Apr 17, 2017
60. Prophet Motive
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Self Sealing Stembolts return! Heee Hhee Hee. Grand Nagus Zek. Oh no. Wallace Shawn also returns. Deep Space Nine Ferengi episodes, you’re gonna either love em or hate em. Wormhole alien space gods. Completely unrelated: Scientology (please don’t sue us). A B plot that does exactly what it sets up to do. Bashir is up for a very prestigous award… He says he won’t win… [spoilers] He doesn’t. Kirk’s dead brother. And More! Plus a priority transmission segment that’s all Twiggy. Killing childhood memories, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Gor, and we go into some deep Kids in the Hall references. Talk to your Postal Carrier [about us].

Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Bloody Cardies: More Voicemails
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
More of your responses! An ASMR intro makes Wade uncomfortable. Is “realistic” acting good acting? Have we exhausted our thoughts on Past Tense? Bloody Cardies! Should three middle class white dudes relish fake racial slurs? When do we hear the "spoonheads" slur, anyway? Plus, Kate leads us into a whole discussion of colonialism on Bajor and what we've gotten wrong. She's right, but really: “Space Pope” is a lot of fun to say. Waiting to be called SJW cucks… AND What we look for in calls. We love you. but not in a Bill O’Reilly way.

Monday Apr 10, 2017
59. Destiny
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Vipers and swords! Just how should the folks on Deep Space Nine interpret Bajoran Nostradamus? Why does Sisko need to come to terms with being the Emissary? Three scripts, including the one from a bitter writer, a Star Trek veteran, and the one we ended up with. O'Brien experiences sexism. All Cardassians know: Men Suck at Math. Because we and the writers of Star Trek agree, rigid gender roles are antiquated, even if the Cardassians haven’t learned as such yet. MRAs? Come at us. 917 408 3898

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Voicemail Extravaganza
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Proximity Alert. Unidentified podcast approaching. We vent the warp core and release an extra episode with a few voicemails we couldn't fit into the regular podcast Dryvetyme's first call: We talk goofiness, “camp” and what can be found to redeem otherwise awful Star Trek episodes? Austin from Chicago from Brooklyn comments on our language, among a few other things, and we discuss how we feel about potentially offending anyone and making ourselves uncomfortable. And finally Kristen from Toronto calls with a couple of observations, two questions, a compliment, and a recommendation; setting us down an extra long discussion that includes: The Not So Secret Origin of The Rules of Acquisition Podcast! Getting kids into Star Trek: Is it even possible? Cronenberg, the Expanse, and what we want from our fiction. Literary talk about masterpieces written by young people. Do they exist? You too could be in further episodes of the podcast. Give us a call! 917 408 3989

Monday Apr 03, 2017
58. Heart Of Stone
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Kira gets stuck in a rock, and other characters get unstuck! We start off talking about the Amish… but who are they gonna complain to? Aside from the melodrama and Amish romance novel comparisons -or maybe because of all that- we like this one! One of our favorite character arcs of the entire Deep Space Nine series - maybe in all of Star Trek- gets going in the B plot. Nog wants to join Starfleet! Why? Because joining Starfleet is all about dad issues. What leaves a humanoid to take another specie's cultural values? But, ok, what about Kira getting stuck in a claustrophobic crystal formation? More Past Tense and Bashir talks in the voicemails. Our cup runneth over

Monday Mar 27, 2017
57. Life Support
Monday Mar 27, 2017
Monday Mar 27, 2017
Robot Pope, we hardly knew ye. And he's all sorts of robot-y in this one. We have the technology! We can rebuild him… to a point. The Bashir Controversy comes to a head! Wade is on the ropes, defending Deep Space Nine's doctor, as James and Hugh rail against the star of the episode. How much of acting is subjective? But Lisa Turtle is in this one! Lets figure out the SBTB timeline… including the College years. We can all lament on the B plot… Conflict of culture, or being an *******? Are we too SJW or do Ferengi values just have less place in the world today? In voicemails: Really it’s all about Hal Holbrook or Dr. Zaius or GTFO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVzOcuyN0JA) And we reflect on how the past election broke James.

Monday Mar 20, 2017
56. Past Tense Part 2
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Deep Space Nine futures back to the past! 8 years from now! We jump right back into Past Tense, this time right into the Bell Riots themselves with part two! Is this as hollow and facile an investigation of society's problems as James and Hugh say, or do the Ghosts, Gimmes, and Dims of 2024 have a valuable lesson to teach us in 2017? Something that shines through this Very Special Episode about homelessness in 1994? James doesn’t get ghosts. Hugh really hates baby boomers’ fetishization of the 60’s. Reconciling Star Trek’s timeline vs ours: Baseball included! Sexy Halloween Thomas Jefferson costumes! Violent protests and the timelines for change. Wade makes some obscure D&D references. Rance Howard, we hardly know ye. Were we too hard on this oh-so-topical two parter? Voicemails are all Past Tense focused this week, as we thought we could "address the controversy." We field calls from @10rant and a mysterious, handsome stranger. James talks about what liberals can do with their art. Can you spot the David Foster Wallace reference?