
Monday Mar 13, 2017
55. Past Tense Part 1
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
The episode you’ve been waiting for! Seemingly the most talked about Star Trek episodes of the current administration. Three of the Deep Space Nine crew go back to... Our future? Or is it a remnant from a 90's past? Prelude to the Bell Riots. But actually, instead of telling you what you might expect from a Star Trek podcast in 2017 we spend a lot of time on what we don't like. Very divided opinions on Bashir. Is this Important scifi, or an afterschool special? Time travel and Dan Harmon. What happened to Generation X? JACK INTO THE NET In voicemails, we hear again from Kate and Twiggy.

Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Spinoff: Lost, part 2 "We Need to Talk About Jacob"
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Our explanation of Lost continues! We've made it through the first few seasons, but what have we forgot to mention? What is the deal with the ending? Wade provides his own, more rewarding (to him) explanation of the show's mysteries! The gnostic secrets of Lost revealed!

Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Spinoff: Lost, Explained (Part 1)
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Instead of covering a groundbreaking show from the 90s, we instead jump to a decade later, when there were whispers of a new "Golden Age of Television"... When The Sopranos was still on the air, Netflix was all dvds, and "binge watching" was a new thing people said to sound quirky. Hugh never watched Lost, and never plans to. James watched it all in a rush recently. Wade was all in when it aired, drew fanfic, and played the online ARG. (dork) We take it upon ourselves to explain the hit primetime show on ABC that helped make J.J. Abrams super-famous.

Monday Mar 06, 2017
54. Fascination
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Peldar Joy, listeners. We're so sorry. It's Gratitude Fest on on Deep Space Nine, and it can be hard to find things to be grateful for in this episode. Luxwana Troi shows up! But we don't blame her for this. Sure in the plot all the nonconsentual grabbing and unsolicited amore is her fault, but we blame the writers for this Midsummer Nights Fiasco. Some O'brien marriage drama between Miles and Keiko in the B plot is ... slightly better, but we have some notes there too. Plus, we get back to some of your feedback, ultimately ruminating on some more problematic sexual practices available in Quark's in a Premium Cable version of Star Trek.

Monday Feb 27, 2017
53. Defiant
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
By Riker’s beard! Another guy from Star Trek: The Next Generation on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! Jonathan Frakes shows up. And talks up Kira. Do Kira and Riker have more chemistry than Kira and robo-Bareil? But then the Defiant gets stolen, the fake mutton chops come off, and the story really gets rolling. The meat of this episode? Some real Dukat and Sisko business, getting into some Cardassian conflicts with Hugh’s favorite subject, the Maquis. We get into some Angry Nerd Corner-ing over, among other things: What we know about one certain “tough little ship” Transporter clones Did some thing happen between Will Riker and O’Brien? And oh yeah: Wade ate a rat penis one time.

Monday Feb 20, 2017
52. Meridian
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Oh, boy, this episode. Enjoy it's many pleasures. We didn't! Brigadoon? More like Briga-doomed... ...Briga-don't? Don't expect the writing of this episode to exceed the hack joke writing of the above. Dax is in love and things quickly escalate to a 90's safe-for-television level of risque. We however, DO NOT keep it safe for TV outside of premium cable. Lots of eating fruit. Suggestively. Picnics! Picnics! Picnics! But all is not lost: There is Jeffrey Combs, in his first Star Trek appearance! One of several aliens he'll portray on Deep Space nine Q: Is this one more Bradley Whitford, or Vivian from the Young Ones? (A: Whitford) Combs' ginger whitford also has lascivious intentions, but Kira is having none of it. There is a pretty popular gif that comes from this episode though. Don’t listen to this one with your kids in the car!

Monday Feb 13, 2017
51. Civil Defense
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Things are about to explode! Or the station is. An alarm is triggered the Deep Space Nine crew have to solve a bunch of technobabble puzzles to escape. It's another Star Trek episode where they don't actually go anywhere, but it's actually pretty great because Dukat shows up! Wade is really into escape rooms. Not sure what that is? You will by the end of this podcast! What makes this such a great episode? Is it the stakes? The character work. This one has Dukat AND Garak, after all. Plus, in the voicemail segment Latinum is further discussed, among other topics. Enjoy a packed out episode!

Monday Feb 06, 2017
50. The Abandoned
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Two Aliens, a man, and a baby. Quark buys some salvage and falls into a plot so good that it gets re-used by Rick and Morty two decades later. But first: An extended conversation on the societal roles and sexual mores of Dabo girls. Parental opinions! A load bearing episode! And we end with some viewer responses! Voicemail and email both this time. 917 408 3898 Let us know what you think!

Monday Jan 30, 2017
49. Second Skin
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Kira is a Cardie. Or... is she? The Obsidian Order is pulling some shenanigans and Kira Nerys gets stole. Once the mind drugs take effect she's supposed to remember being a Cardassian operative hidden away on Bajor during the occupation, and how much she loves her dad. But hey, you probably saw the episode if you're listening to this podcast! We talk about what could have been with the original pitch, and just how great Garak is when paired with Sisko... Is this episode a thematic sequel to "Duet"? Do we harp too much on "trans-speciesism" at the beginning? Let us know on the hotline! 917 408 3898 Speaking of voicemails, we take a few at the end, address our OA spinoff, and cover some opinions on last weeks DS9 episode. We love your feedback. Call to get your own voice heard: 917 408 3898

Monday Jan 23, 2017
48. Equilibrium
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Monday Jan 23, 2017
24th century music sucks. Dax plays a song, becomes a moody teenager, and learns that her hormones are all out of whack. So... off to the Trill Homeworld to solve a mystery, learn a totally new explanation of Symbiosis, and take some milky baths with slugs! Acting is discussed. As is master magician Jeff McBride! But mostly slugs! Lots of trying to figure out what the heck the deal with Trills are. Plus we read some emails this week. Can you put us in our place? Feel free to give us your thoughts 917 408-3898!

Monday Jan 16, 2017
47. House Of Quark
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
MARRIED LIFE Keiko and Miles, Quark and a Klingon lady; this one's all about problems with women. But FINALLY it's not completely ham-fisted in it's understanding. No picnics are had. Also: Bashir, a PUA before The Game was even a thing. Wade butchers the Klingon language. “The WASP” podcast explores various relations to founding fathers and separatists… Ferengi financial acuity and certain times when “fancy book learnin” among certain people groups maybe made some other peoples nervous. Plus voicemail! Don't miss your chance to give us your thoughts 917 408 3898

Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Spinoff: ROA on The OA
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
There has been a change in format from our regular scheduled programming. The OA... Is this really a show worth watching? It depends! Instead of an oldie from the 90s, we take a leap forward to discuss this most controversial of modern TV shows on the Netflix streaming network. Not much Star Trek discussion here! Maybe we're not actually fans ourselves, but we take a break to discuss this risky and ... "interesting" episodic program
***We recorded this a few times unsuccessfully, there is some audio hiccups in here, but it's perfectly listenable***

Monday Jan 09, 2017
46. The Search Part 2
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
The glorious conclusion! ...To the beginning of DS9's third season and the new paradigm. Things have gone poorly for the defiant in the gamma quadrant, and Odo and Kira hang out with Odo's family of melty beige Eric Trumps. Luckily Sisko and the rest of the senior staff have made it back to the station... or have they? STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE IS BETTER THAN LOST! More voice mails! Let us know your thoughts! 917-408-3898

Monday Jan 02, 2017
45. The Search Part 1
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Welcome to Season Three of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! What happened in between seasons? Ch ch ch changes! The Defiant is finally here! New cast members? Who is and who isn’t here to make friends? Stepping on Odo's ... feelings. This episode is well paced. Again, reflecting on S2 problems. How long until we get Majel Barret's voice on our digital assistant devices? Sisko scenes. Jake scenes Jadzia's hair game. "Let’s not make it a race thing" … how self aware are these writers? Full Emo Odo Rogue planet Where did all these melty Eric Trumps come from? Are we still talking about the Viet Cong? And Finally! Introducing a new segment! Voicemail! Capers and The Extendables! Give us a call! 917-408-3898

Monday Dec 26, 2016
Appendix E: "A Woman Who Reminds Me of Kira" w/ Courtney Bowen
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Special Guest episode! Going forward as we have less "things we would change," and fantasies of "fixing" episodes of a 20 year old tv show. Instead, we want to hear more from you, our listeners! 917-408-3898 With that in mind, we welcome DS9 fan (who happens to be married to Wade’s brother), Courtney Bowen to the podcast. Topics discussed: It is a compliment to say you resemble Kira Nerys! Is Picard The Daddy? James wants to get political Bashir… ok he’s sexy… I guess? Sleepy Dax Owning being Ferengi Talking Voyager? Picardo and Mulgrew are awesome. is Enterprise REALLY that bad? Spit Roast? Are we too lewd? GOING FORWARD You can call this Number: 917 408 3898 or don't feel like paying international rates? Send us a message at rulesofacquisitionpodcast@gmail.com

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Season 2 "White Album"
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Cutting the chaff! We narrow it down to the best episodes of season 2. The three of us each pick out 12 episodes to make our ideal streamlined "modern" season two What works and doesn’t work about what we've seen this season? Is O’Brien the “Kirk” of Star Trek Deep Space Nine now? Just what the heck are they doing with Avery Brooks? Can they figure out the Sisko? [yes] James’ arc of appreciation for Ira Steven Behr A state of the union on all our favorite [and least favorite] characters. Dax, Julian… the whole gang’s represented. Goodby Peter Allan Fields. Hello Ronald D. Moore! Just how excited are we for Season 3? Very excited.

Monday Dec 12, 2016
44. The Jem'Hadar
Monday Dec 12, 2016
Monday Dec 12, 2016
Things get Real. The show we love really begins! Not that we didn’t love [some] of what came before, but if you’re a long time DS9 fan you know what we’re talking about, and if you’re new to the show or watching along with us… GET EXCITED. What big info about Captain Mike Pence does Wade insist James hold back from the beginning of the podcast? A terribly obscure hint lies in the first episode of this season! We explore how this seemingly typical, pedestrian Star Trek episode pulls the rug out from under you to become a different sort of Star Trek in Deep Space Nine 25 min: pause to deal with some of Wade’s issues Min 26 or so: We give James a hard time. 36: Wade comes clean about a wrongful death from 20 years ago Another murderer… Nerds in 1994: WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE ENTERPRISE? Lot’s of weird turns in this episode…

Monday Dec 05, 2016
43. Tribunal
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
O'brien Must Suffer! Does this one hit too close to home in 2016? We find a lot to talk about in this Kafka-esque Cardassian episode. You want to hear debates about absurdism vs expressionism, right? But also: More James' nipple corner! [Hint: It's O'brien again] Is this at all similar to Picard's Cardassian torture episode from Star Trek: The Next Generation, homoerotically? [Hint: Well, that kinda depends on you, man] Is O'Brien a Maquis agent? [Hint: Of course not] Are he and Keiko going to have a picnic? [Hint: Good chance, but not on screen] Is this a better episode than The Collaborator? [Hint: Yes] Do the Maquis have a "Batman Guy?" These DS9 questions answered, and a lot more Deep Space Nine issues discussed! Plus at least one question regarding Manos, the Hands of Fate!

Monday Nov 28, 2016
42. The Collaborator
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Politics and Religion: Just what the people want from Star Trek, right? Do they want it from DS9? Kai Ratched has a plot! Robot Pope has a secret! Did he make a dude pull a Judas and hang himself on the promenade of Deep Space Nine? But really, we have bigger things to talk about. Like an exciting new segment: James' Nipple Corner! But even more pressing: Why can’t the dumb Bajorans just be more like the Viet Cong? That’s right, this is the only Star Trek podcast that will give you this much debating the ins, outs, and moral calculus of running an armed resistance, specifically in relation whether Vietnam is where to learn your lessons. Was there enough Avery Brooks in this episode? What about this season?

Monday Nov 21, 2016
41. Crossover
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Who loves the Mirror Universe? Hugh sure hates the mirror universe. James is not fond of the mirror universe. Wade loves the mirror universe. It’s another long one! We spend some time up front setting up the mirror universe, going back to the original Star Trek series episode, “Mirror Mirror” before going full bore into Kira trying to romance herself and just what the heck is going on. Does it make any sense whatsoever? Does Deep Space Nine’s “Crossover” kill Spock’s Roddenberry vision? Things get heated! You like it when we disagree? Well, if so enjoy this one!

Monday Nov 14, 2016
40. The Wire
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Shipping Garak & Bashir! Continuing our coverage of back to back "very special episodes!" Finally we learn more of Garak's backstory? Or do we? Garak has a medical issue and Julian just can't quit him! We get discuss 3 different stories Garak tells, Odo's authoritarian leanings, and the logistics of surprise trips to Cardassian territory; Just what kind of bad-assery strains one's credulity of the Obsidian Order? Get ready for some co-host disagreements this week, and to come!

Monday Nov 07, 2016
39. The Maquis
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
A Double sized issue! Federation Terrorists! Instead of one Star Trek episode split into two podcasts, this week we're giving you an extra long podcast with two DS9 episodes crammed in! But hey it's one story. The first 20 minutes or so we cover some backstory and origins back in a few The Next Generation episodes. Where does the term "Maquis" come from? Wade says "metaplot" too many times. Does DS9 make steps here to salvage the "Grand Vision" of Star Trek from Rick Berman's guidance? Some serious fighting words for Jean-Luc Picard! And that's all before we talk about this episode(s) itself; instead of worrying about spoilers from the Maquis pt 2 we cover both at once. If you're miraculously watching DS9 for the first time with us, week by week, go ahead and reward yourself with two episodes. There are no cliffhangers at the end of this podcast!

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
38b. Blood Oath
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Jean-Claude Van... Dax? The prelude is over, we're finally getting down and dirty with Blood Oath proper. Is this the greatest episode ever, or the Star Trek equivalent of a Cannon film? Are those two descriptors mutually exclusive? Is Jadzia Dax right to uphold the blood oath of Kurzon Dax? Can her fellow officers aboard DS9 ever look her in the eye again after she agrees to straight up murder a dude? Just exactly what race is The Albino? These questions and more answered, or at least pondered! James goes toe to toe with Memory Alpha, against the guidance of his co-hosts.

Monday Oct 31, 2016
38a. Klingons! or Prelude To Blood Oath
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
It's a Very Special Episode! Instead of jumping straight into the events of the next episode of Deep Space Nine we take a detour and ruminate on Klingons past; from the past of the original Star Trek series, to an older yet "more recent" past of Enterprise, and the past of three Klingons in particular: Kor, Koloth, and Kang. Just how different are these Klingons on DS9 from their portrayals on TOS? How the hell do they explain the head ridges to these old guys who don't want to wear them? What about more famous old guys like Christopher Plummer who don't want all that time in the makeup chair? How does he get off? Comic books? Happy meals?! We talk a lot of stuff some of our viewers probably know a whole lot more about. Let us know what you think before we get into "Blood Oath" proper.

Monday Oct 24, 2016
37. Profit And Loss
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Quarksablanca! Quark: The George Clooney of Ferengi. How grossed out are you by Ferengi/Cardassian makeouts? What’s the deal with Natima Lang's students? Are they the weakest terrorist ever? Things get contentious. The most disagreement we’ve had so far on the podcast. Though, we can all agree Garak is great. Listeners, just how murky was this episode? Let us know what you think!

Monday Oct 17, 2016
36. Playing God
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Initiate Arjin visits DS9 to whine! A baby universe. Voles! Jadzia gets an intern, or a trill up for joining who is surprised by the unorthodox Dax. Finally the "Is Jadzia Kurzon?" question is settled. Wade makes the argument this episode can serve as a meta-commentary on the character herself. OH, and there's a proto universe that gets batted around by muppet skinless cats. Are the moral implications of stepping on a universe of ants more deserving of an A plot than Jadzia's sex wrestling? Listen and decide for yourself!